Saturday, October 17, 2015

The birth of Islam in Arabian Peninsula

History - Arabian Peninsula is located in Southwest Asia and surrounded by seas on three sides, namely the Iraqi Sea in the east, the Red Sea in the west, and Indian Ocean in the south, and it directly borders with Lebanon and Syria in the north. Almost...
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Friday, October 16, 2015

Characteristics of Hindu Buddhist historical remains in Various region in Indonesia

A. TemplesHistory - In Indonesia, especially in Java, there are many Hindu-Buddhist historical inheritances in the form of temples ('candi' in Indonesia). The word 'candi' derived from one of the names of Durga (goddess of death), 'Candika'.A temple originally...
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Thursday, October 15, 2015

Hindhu Buddhist cultural heritage in different areas of Indonesia

ReligionHistory - The historical, religious heritages which has exited since the 2nd century are Buddhism and Hinduism. Buddhism probably arrived in Indonesia approximately between the 2nd and 5th century AD as indicated by the discovery of some Buddhist statues in Sempaga, Jember and Bukti Siguntang.Buddhism flourished since propagation. Meanwhile, Hinduism first arrived in Kutai Kingdom in approximately the 5th century, then...
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The fall of Majapahit Kingdom

History - Between in 14th and 15th century, Majappahit Kingdom underwent a decline which was due to the following things.1. The death of Hayam Wuruk in 1389 and Gajah Mada in 1364, and there was no substite figure who was capable and dignified enough.2. Paregrek...
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Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Religion life in Majapahit Kingdom and culture

History - There were three groups of disciples in Majapahit Kingdom, they were the disciples of Resi, the disciples of Shiva, and the disciples of Buddhism. The three groups of people were called Tripaksa.Un his book, Sutasoma, Empu Tantular tried to unite the three groups by stating that the three rekigions were actually the same. He sugested a philosophical saying, 'Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, tan hana dharma mangrawa', which means...
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Tuesday, October 13, 2015

The role of Gajah Mada and the Palapa Oath

History - Fater Raden Wijaya died, he replaced by his son, Jayanegara. During his reign, there were several rebellions, such the rebellion by Nambi Kuli.Of all the rebellions, the most dangerous one was Kuti's rebellion. Kuti was a Dharmaputera, a government official whose duty was to keep the continuity of the throne. During the rebellion, Kuti managed to take control of the capital town of Majapahit.Because the situation was...
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Majapahit Kingdom in history

History - Majapahit was a well-known Hindu kingdom. The founder of the kingdom was Raden Wijaya. It was built in Tarik forest, near the delta of Brantas river, East Java. Majapahit reached its golden period when it was let by King Hayam Wuruk and his chief minister, Gajah Mada.The teritorry of Majapahit in that time was almost as large as today's Indonesia. The emergence of Majapahit Kingdom was closely related to Singasari...
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Kertanegara's foreign policy

History - A continuation of the history article from Kertanegara's domestic policy. Seeing that Sriwijaya was weakening, in 1275. Kertanegara attempted to take control of an area which was strategic for defense tacties, it was Melayu.Kertanegara sent an expedition to Melayu, so it was called Pamalayu. The expedition was not mean to attack and take over Melayu, it was a peaceful mission. Pamalayu means alliance agreement with...
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Monday, October 12, 2015

Sejarah awal perkembangan agama Buddha di dunia

Sejarah - Agama Buddha diajarkan oleh Sidharta, putra Raja Siddhodana dari Kerajaan Kapilawastu dan termasuk keturunan suku bangsa Sakya. Ia dikenal dengan sebutan Buddha Gautama atau Sakyamuni.Pada mulanya, Buddha bukan sebuah agama, melainkan suatu paham...
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Kertanegara's domestic policy

History - Kertanegara attempted to create domestic political stability. Below are some of the efforts he had made to create the stability :1. Hi wiped out bandits that had caused unrest in the society. In 1270 he killed a traitor named Cayaraja....
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Wisnuwardhana in history

History - After the death of Tohjaya (read : Anusapati and Tohjaya in history), in 1248 AD Rangga Wuni was crowned as a king with the title of Sri Jaya Wisnuwardhana. In carrying out the government, he was assisted by Mahisa Campaka who was given a post as 'ratu anggabhaya' and a royal name, Narasinghamurti.In 1255, Wisnuwardhana made an inscription concerning the inauguration of two villages, Mula and Malurang, as 'sima'...
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Anusapati and Tohjaya in history

History - This article is a continuation of history Ken Arok founder of Singasari Kingdom. Inside the palace of Singasari, there was unhealthy relationship. Anusapati felt that Ken Arok's treatment of him was not as good as the treatment of his siblings. Finally he found out that Ken Arok was his step father who had killed his own father, Tunggul Ametung.To take revenge on the death of his father, Anusapati ordered a guard...
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Ken Arok founder of Singasari Kingdom

History - It has been touched upon earlier that the founder of Singasari Kingdom was Ken Arok. en Arok came from common people, his parents were farmers at Pungkur village. Before becoming the ruler of Singasar, he had lived a complex life.In the book Pararaton...
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Sunday, October 11, 2015

Kediri Kingdom and culture

History - Kediri Kingdom appeared after the split of power by Airlangga. The purpose of the splitting was to prevent Mapanji Garasakan (second child of Airlangga) and Samarawijaya (son of Dharmawangsa) from continuously conflicting with each other.The power splitting was conducted by Empu Bharada. The Kingdom was divided into two, Jenggala and Panjalu. Panjalu KIngdom then moved its capital from Daha to Kediri. After that, Panjalu...
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Saturday, October 10, 2015

About Old Mataram Kingdom

History - Old Mataram Kingdom (Mataram) was located in Central Java. This area was known as Bhumi Mataram. Mataram was surrounded by mountains and mountain ranges, such as Serayu Mountain Range, Prau Mountain, Sindoro Mountain, Mount Sumbing, Ungaran Mountain, Mount Merbabu, Mount Merapi, Kendeng Mountain Range, Lawu Mopountain, Sewu Mountain, and Kidul Mountain. This region also had some rivers such as Bogowonto, Progo, Elo and...
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Some of the actions taken by King Dyah Balitung

Here are some of the actions taken by King Dyah Balitung during his reign :1. In Telang inscription of 904 AD, it was stated that Rakai Watukur built a crossing at Paparahuan (Praon village near Wonogiri) on the bank of River Bengawan Solo. For that purpose, three villages namely Telang, Mahe, and Paparahuan were made a 'sima'.2. In Guntur inscription  (907 AD), it was stated that Dyah Balitung had issued a Jayaputra (court...
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Friday, October 9, 2015

Buddhist history in Sriwijaya Kingdom

History - In the beginning of the 6th century, the center of trade in Southeast Asia was Oc Eo, the capital of Fu-nan Kingdom in Cambodia. Fu-nan controlled the navigation lines in Southeast Asia in the 6th century.Ships from India anchored at Kedah and unloaded there. The goods were then carried by caravans through Tanah Genting Kra. On Siam Bay, the goods were loaded on to ships again and transported to OC Eo. By so doing, the...
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Expansion and diplomacy of Sriwijaya Kingdom

History - Sriwijaya was maritime kingdom which prioritized income from maritime trade. What made Sriwijaya a maritime kingdom was because the region of Palembang was not good for agriculture.Trade would be less profitable to Sriwijaya if there were competitors which colud decrease the importance of Sriwijaya in trade. The competitors were Melayu (Malay) and Tarumanegara. So, in 688 Sriwijaya conguered Melayu and Tarumanegara.Based...
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Development of Buddhism in Sriwijaya Kingdom

History - Buddhism had developed in Sriwijaya since the 7th century. In a fragment of Bukit Siguntang inscription, there is a word "Siksa Prajna" which is actually made up of two words 'siksa' and 'prajna' that relate to the basic principle of Mahayana Buddhism and Hinayana Buddhism.The Buddhism prefessed in Sriwijaya was Hinayana Buddhism. Because of that, there are no remains of Sriwijaya in the form of temples and statues...
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The decline and fall of Sriwijaya Kingdom

History - The kings who succeded Balaputra were probably not wise enough in carrying out the country's foreign policy, so it inflicted a loss on the neighbouring eountries. As a result, the countries which were harmed by Sriwijaya opposed Sriwijaya's control over the lines of international trade and navigation.In the beginning of the 12th century, Sriwijaya still controlled Palembang, Malacca Strait, Sunda Strait, and was recorded...
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