Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Regions which were influenced by Buddhist elements in Nusantara

History - Regions which were influenced by Buddhist elements in Nusantara - Based on the discovery of a bronze Buddha statue at Sempaga South Sulawesi, it is estimated that Buddhism developed in Nusantara earlier them Hinduism.Vieved from the shape, the statue at Sempaga was the same in style as the statue made in Amarawati, India. Statues like these were commonly made between the 2nd and 5th centuries AD. Scientists...
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Monday, September 28, 2015

Map of the route of entrance and spread of Hindu Buddhist religion and culture in Indonesia

History - The people of Nusantara had accepted new cultures from India. However, they did not abandon the culture and traditions they had for hundreds of years. They did not completely absorb the influences of Hindu-Buddhis cultures because. Nusantara...
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Sunday, September 27, 2015

Relationship between Indonesia and centers of Hinduism Buddhism in Asia

History - Relationship between Indonesia and centers of Hinduism Buddhism in Asia - In India and China large countries which high civilization. Since the beginning of Christianity period, the two countries had developed close relationship through economic cooperation which was conducted by land and sea routes.When the two nations conducted trade cooperation by sea route, they had to pass Nusantara. Because of the strategic...
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Development of Buddhism in Shoutheast Asia

History - Development of Buddhism in Shoutheast Asia - Geographically, mainland Southeast Asia consists of countries such as Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, Indo China, and Malaysia. Southeast Asian archipelago includes Singapura, Indonesia, and Philippines. These area received a lot of influence of Indian religions and culture.Buddhism in ThailandIn Thailand, the kingdoms which developed Therayada Buddism (Hinayana Buddism)...
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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Development of Buddhism in East Asia

History - Development of Buddhism in East Asia - Geographically, the region which are included in East Asia are China and Japan. In this region, the influence of Hinduism was not as great as the influence of Buddhism. This was because the philosophy of life of the Chinese and Japanese is similar to Buddhism.Buddhism in ChinaBuddhism came to China in the middle of the 1 st century AD when China was ruled by Emperor Ming-Ti...
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Development of Buddhism in South Asia

History - Development of Buddhism in South Asia - In the century BC, a kingdom called Magadha was founded in North India, with Pataliputra its capital. The greates king was Ashoka who was well-known as a cruel king. The prison he built for people who opposed him was called Ashoka Hell.However, after losing a war against Kalinga kingdom in South India, he changed his attitude. The terrible was took a very large number...
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Friday, September 25, 2015

Development of Hinduism Buddhism in Asia

History - Development of Hinduism Buddhism in Asia - Hinduism first appeared in north India, then it developed and spread farther north, among others to Nepal. The influence of Hinduism in Nepal was so strong that itcould attract a lot of followers,...
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Early development of Buddhism

History - Early development of Buddhism - Buddhism was first taught by Sidharta, a son of King Suddhodana of Kapilavasta kingdom who was a descendant of Sakya people. He was known as Buddha Gautama or Sakyamuni.At first Buddhism was not a region,...
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Development of Hindhu Buddhist religion and culture in Sout Asia

History - Development of society and culture during Hindu-Buddhist period - Hindu-Bddhist infulenze had been present in Indonesia before the foundation of the first Hindu-Buddhist kingdoms in Indonesia, such as Kutai Kingdom in East Kalimantan and...
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Thursday, September 24, 2015

Pre historic peoples of Indonesia

History - Pre historic peoples of Indonesia - Because of the migration of people from mainland Asia to Indonesia, the Indonesian Archipelgo was already inhabited by several ethnic groups in pre-historic time.Melanesian people/Papua Melanesoids who...
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Migration of peoples to Indonesia

History - Before discussing the migration of peoples to Indonesia, you had better have a look a figure which shows the route of distribution of square axes and oval exes (Neolothic culture) in Indonesia.From the figure yo know that the remains of...
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biografi adnan buyung nasution sejarahpopulerdunia.blogspot.com - Beberapa hari yang lalu dunia hukum indonesia kehilangan sosok besar dan salah satu berpengaruh di Indonesia.Diantara pembaca pasti sudah mengenal dan mengetahui siapa beliau.Ya beliau...
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haloo kalo kalian membaca page ini berarti klaian pengen kepo nih kenapa aku buat blog ini. Sebenernya blog ini dibuat untuk menambah wawasan kita terutama dalam bidang sejarah. Di lihat kurangnya situs atau blog yang membahas tentang tema ini padahal sejarah adalah sesuatu yang seru dan menyenangkan juga penuh dengan misteri . Jadi, buat kamu yang pingin nambah ilmu dan pengetahuan silahkan ikuti artikel dari blog ini. terima...
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Pembabakan zaman Pra aksara

Pembabakan zaman Pra-aksara berdasarkan peninggalan arkeologi - Zaman Pleistosen berakhir 10.000 tahun Sebelum Masehi, kemudian diikuti oleh datangnya zaman aluvium atau zaman holosin yang masih berlangsung hingga sekarang.Dari zaman ini muncullah nenek moyang manusia sekarang, yaitu spesies homo sapiens atau makhluk cerdas. Zaman Pra aksara dapat dibagi berdasarkan pembagian menurut arkeologi (ilmu yang mempelajari hasil-hasil...
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Sekilas tentang zaman pra aksara

Perjalanan manusia dalam menempuh kehidupan seperti sekarang tidak terjadi begitu saja dalam waktu yang singkat, namun telah dimulai sejak ribuan tahun yang silam. Keadaan pada waktu itu yang berkelanjutan hingga kini, membentuk manusia yang hidup pada saat ini.Bagaimana manusia mulai berkomunikasi tanpa menggunakan tulisan? Jawabannya adalah, bahwa komunikasi merupakan salah satu cara untuk berinteraksi. Komunikasi pada masa...
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Pre historic people in Indonesia

History - Pre historic people in Indonesia - In the discussion about pre-historic people, you will study about various species of humans who lived in the period.Pre-historic human species in IndonesiaPeople who lived in pre-historic time have now...
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Periodization of Pre history Time based on Peoples Life Characteristics

History - Periodization of Pre history Time based on Peoples Life Characteristics - Human beings are living things that live communally and have organisms which are biologically different from and weaker than those of animals.Homever, human brain evolves farthest compared with other beings. The ability of human brain to think enables them to sort the actions that can benefit their survival.In keeping the continuity of...
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Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Geological Periodization of Pre historic Time

History - Geological Periodization of Pre historic Time as follows:1. Archaean/Oldest AgeThis age happened about 2500 million years ago, at that time the earth crust was still hot, so there was no life. You may wonder when life on earth started....
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